Student Study Team (SST) Overview

At AIMS K-12, we are committed to ensuring every student receives the support they need to thrive. The Student Study Team (SST) is a multi-disciplinary team that collaborates to assess and implement general education interventions for students experiencing academic, speech/language, or social-emotional/behavioral challenges.

What is the Purpose of SST?

The SST process is an early intervention strategy within general education designed to improve student success through personalized support and problem-solving. Each Local Educational Agency (LEA) is required to have an SST process in place to address students' needs proactively.

How Does the SST Process Help?

By implementing a structured and data-driven approach, the SST process enhances student achievement through:

✅ Identifying student strengths and challenges
✅ Prioritizing key concerns impacting learning and success
✅ Developing a targeted action plan with measurable goals
✅ Monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed

What Happens if Additional Support is Needed?

If SST interventions do not lead to the expected progress, the team may recommend an evaluation for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to determine if specialized services are required. This ensures that students receive the necessary accommodations, modifications, and support to succeed academically and socially.

At AIMS K-12, we believe in early intervention and collaborative problem-solving to support every student’s academic and personal growth. The SST process ensures that students receive the necessary tools and strategies to succeed in a general education setting.